Choosing The Right Packaging For Your Business

The It All Begins With Choosing The Right Packaging

You have got a big business idea. You are all set to take it to the floor but wait, did you give a thought to what your packaging would look like? Is it functional? Is it easily distinguishable? Does it leave an impact on your customer by conveying your brand story? Well, you need not worry! We are here to tell you what and how you must do in choosing the right packaging for your business.


Firstly, identifying what kind of packaging would fit best for your product is the first and most crucial step. Determine the kind of your product. Is it fragile? Is it easily perishable? Will your product be affected by the inside of your packaging?


Next up is size! Based on your product’s size and weight, the size of the packaging should be determined. Neither should you leave too much space, nor should it be extremely tight that it impacts the product’s quality. The product’s weight should allow you to make decisions on the sturdiness of the packaging.

Selling Platform

Subsequently, product distribution hugely determines the kind of packaging you choose for your brand. Depending on whether your product will be sold online or in a shop/supermarket, you must choose the packaging based on the determinants of safety, looks, sturdiness, etc.


Calculate your Minimum Order Quantity lest you will get short of your packaging or end up having too many of it depending on the number you choose. The MOQ for products is not ‘one size fits all’. Consult your packaging supplier before deciding.


Finally, creating customized packaging for your product is important to convey the brand story. Decide on your packaging design carefully. Try adding a personalized message or writing a quirky line that resonates with the customer.

Now that you know where to start, let’s familiarise you with the layers of packaging that you might need for your product, depending on what type it is.


Primary Packaging

The packaging material that forms the immediate support of the product is the Primary Packaging. For example, paper/plastic sachets, plastic or glass bottles, mono cartons, etc. Sometimes, the product is only sold with the primary packaging. The FMCG products are packed in Primary Packaging that provides the product with a vacuum-sealed environment that extends the product’s longevity.

Secondary Packaging

As the name suggests, the Secondary Packaging follows the Primary Packaging that is stronger than the latter for added protection. The cardboard box, cartons, etc., usually serve as the secondary packaging. It provides an additional level of protective layer to the products. The secondary packaging is specially designed to reduce physical damage to the product packed inside. As most of the products are sold online worldwide, businesses ideally should invest in both primary and secondary packaging to ensure the safety of the product.

Tertiary Packaging

Tertiary or transportation packaging is specifically designed to store and ship products that add extra layers of protection. Factors such as fragility and perishability play a huge role in deciding whether the product should be shipped in corrugated boxes or courier bags.

Choosing The Right Packaging Material

Choosing the right packaging material is extremely crucial for your product. In case of a mismatch between your products and it’s packaging, customers can end up having a totally different perception about your brand. There are various packaging materials in the market, including paper, plastic, cardboard, metal, etc. Metal and plastic packaging will serve as a better primary packaging material if your product is liquid or semi-liquid, as it will offer more protection than paper or cardboard ones.

But cardboard and paper packaging materials have their own advantages.

As you have made headway in packaging material, type, and levels of packaging, let’s tell you what you should try to achieve with your packaging:

  • Ensure Protection: Choose your packaging that protects your product from environmental damage, pilferage, quality deterioration, theft, and compression.
  • Tool for Marketing: Packaging is important in a product’s marketing strategy. Being the first touchpoint between the brand and the consumers, the appropriate packaging attracts the consumers and increases the product’s likability among them, which leads to creating brand affinity.
  • Includes Correct Information: Packaging must include the right and sufficient information about the product without overcrowding it. The most important information that packaging should include is how to use it, ingredients, customer care number, date of manufacture, expiry, and any disclaimers that consumers should know about the product.
  • Increase Profitability: A good-looking product packaging garners a higher amount for the product. The product margins can significantly increase if you use cost-friendly yet appealing packaging.
  • Unique Identity: Your packaging is unique to your product. The product will look distinct and stand out if you play around with the color, graphics, and design in the right way! For example, take Coca-Cola’s iconic red-coloured packaging.

Xetgo leads sustainable and efficient packaging solutions in India. With a focus on eco-friendliness, strength, and cost-effectiveness, Xetgo offers a complete solution through its advanced packaging manufacturing and innovative vendor management. Contact Xetgo for choosing the right packaging for your business.